James-Simon-Galerie Media Installation

The James Simon Gallery is designed as a central entrance building and visitor center for the five museums of the Museumsinsel Berlin. The entrance is intended to be easily accessible for a heterogeneous audience and to get visitors in the mood for the different museums.

The media stations therefore have a high prompting character and invite playful interaction, but also function as passive spatial installations. The large-scale multimedia installation in the entrance area visualizes the epochal development stages of the Museumsinsel from 1658 to today in a journey through the centuries.

A 12m long media wall shows a timeline with deposited materials from the various collections of the Museumsinsel. The installation reacts interactively and auditorily to the position of the viewer and influences the spatial experience through his approach and movement. By means of a touch function, more in-depth information can be accessed.

The third exhibit, a multi-touch table, offers an insight into all the museums on Museumsinsel and can be operated by any number of visitors simultaneously.

Reactive and interactive timeline

The 12 meter long media wall reacts to the movement and approach of the visitors by means of camera tracking. The historical phases of the Museumsinsel can be explored in detail through touch interaction.

Interactive multi-user map of the Museumsinsel

The multi-touch table offers an insight into all museums on Museumsinsel and can be used by any number of visitors at the same time.

Film Installation in the entrance area