“Visual Symphony” in the BMW Museum in Munich. Design, animation and production of two 360° films and a generative environment for a 120 m x 6 m projection screen.
A Tamschick Media+Space GmbH production in cooperation with m box bewegtbild GmbH.
Awards: The One Show Award, 2009, Environmental DesignRed Dot Design Award, 2009, KommunikationsdesignDP3D Goldene Flamme, 2009, Prädikat: HerausragendClio Awards 2009, Enviromental Design, MediatekturDDC 2009, Gute Gestaltung, Mediatektur, Auszeichnungworld media festival, 2009, GoldArt Directors Club, 2009, SilberArt Directors Club of Europe, 2009, Nominierung
Project services: